Bitcoin backed by nothing

bitcoin backed by nothing

Is bitcoin the new gold

The brutal truth about Bitcoin.

00002163 bitcoin

Cryptocurrency Will Never Be Real Money
Like the U.S. dollar, Bitcoin is not backed by a physical commodity, and instead derives its value in other ways. Since Bitcoin doesn't have a. � resources � what-is-bitcoin-backed-by. Contrary to popular belief, bitcoin is in fact backed by something. It is backed by the only thing that backs any form of money: the credibility of its monetary.
Comment on: Bitcoin backed by nothing
  • bitcoin backed by nothing
    account_circle Tut
    calendar_month 23.02.2023
    Useful topic
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    calendar_month 27.02.2023
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What Is Backing Bitcoin? Bitcoin is finitely scarce, and it is more easily divisible and more easily transferable than its incumbent competitors. As part of the security function, miners get paid in bitcoin to solve blocks, which validate history and clear pending bitcoin transactions. When this faith is eroded, a fiat currency can depreciate rapidly as citizens and foreign nations try to trade their currency for more stable assets. The economic incentives of the currency compensation is so strong and the penalty is both so severe and so easily enforced that miners are maximally incentivized to cooperate and perform valid work.